Disclaimer: This blog is about potty humor and may or may not contain potty language, what else would you expect, I work with shit

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Poopy Thoughts

I have decided that no-one thinks about poop as much as septic workers. Except parents of little babies, and Scat porn-stars. Guess which two of these three I am.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Letter to the Editor

Dear Sirs, and or Madams,
Contrary to popular belief the "Porta-Potty" (also known as Shit Can, Sani Can, Can, Pooper, Shit Shack, Shitter, Out House, Break Room, Bathroom, Heroin Den, Pot House, Meth Lab, and Spelunking Room) is not intended for use whilst taking illegal substances. It would be most appreciated if your employees would mearly do their "Business" and go. Also shirts and other garments* are to be disposed of in specified containers, not the Porta-Potty.

Many thanks
The Can Man

*no shirts or clothing were found today but it has happened in the past. Believe It!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Whats behind Door Number 2?

Cleaning Porta Potties is a lot like playing Whats Behind Door yada yada yada, that or Russian Roulette, you are always really hoping for the pony but most of the time you just end up with the Jack-Ass.

Items found today:
 2 Natty Ice cans
A Heroin Spoon

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Part 6

So, there I was standing in the open door of my most recent conquest and the shining Shitter it had become. Hard to think that only a few minutes ago I stood in the same exact position thinking only, Oh God why me?. 

Dear sir, Thanks for attempting to clean up but next time you eat at Taco Bell please have an escape plan for your bowels, Thank you, Your Cleaner.